
What happened to you? You had such promise

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Rent the AV

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There will be news. I promise. Maybe I will even start a newsletter filled with things that I find funny. Or maybe it will have useful information about things like upcoming shows. Then maybe I will spend a lot of time putting it together and three people will sign up for it. Two will be my parents. The other person won’t realize what they clicked. The newsletter will go directly to their “other” folder. They won’t look at it until years from now when they wonder why there are so many emails in that folder. They will open some of them then and think, “Man, look at all the cool shows I could have gone to right in Vermillion. I wonder what happened to the guy who owned that place.”

They will do a quick internet search to find out what happened to me, but their won’t be a lot out there because why would there be. There will be an old social media post about moving to the arctic circle, but there are a couple of laughing emojis and the one where it’s rolling its eyes, so the post might be a joke. However, they are not sure if it is a joke so they dig a little deeper and find it looks like I did move to the artic circle because I was hoping to train to be on one of those survival shows. Not the one where everybody is naked; the one where people live where it is really cold.

I should go do some work. If I think of it, maybe I will write more about what happened to the person who accidentally signed up for the newsletter that does not exist.