Supporting Live Music has never been easier. Becoming AVIP at The AV Lounge ensures the best in live entertainment will continue to come to Vermillion.
Support Live Music-Support Local Music
So, how do you do either? Or, better, both?
The obvious way is to just be there. Go to the show wherever and whenever it is. Be present at the show. Really listen to the performer. You may not realize it, but even one person who is intently listening makes all the difference to a performer. They can feed off the energy that one person is giving them.
Then, after the show, buy the album, buy a t-shirt (that’s where a lot of the money comes from), take ten seconds to tell them you enjoyed the performance. Try not to use the word “actually” when you compliment them (e.g. “that was actually really good”).
Follow them on social media. Yes, social media in general can be a bit much, and it may be bad for our collective mental health, but there are some really great local artists posting some really great content. You will hear new songs, stories from “the road,” learn about other bands that you may have never come across.
But you can’t make it to every show to see every performer. How can you still support music and art? That’s where we come in.

Musicians need a place to play; especially places that make the artist the focus. The AV Lounge is quickly becoming known for being an artist-focused venue.
Because of this, in our short time being open, we have been able to bring in musicians from Washington, Missouri, Minnesota, Illinois, as well as many South Dakota artists. We have upcoming performers in the works from New York, Pennsylvania, Iowa, and North Dakota.
You all support those performers when you pay a cover or buy a ticket. We split the box office with the performers. From 30-50% (even more on some occasions) of what you pay goes directly to them. That’s gas money to the next show, new drumheads or strings, a couple of meals, or a place to sleep on their tour.
The easiest way to support local and live music is to become an AVIP. Becoming an AVIP ensures that we can continue to bring in talented artists from all over the country from all genres of music. You get a whole bunch of perks, and Vermillion gets to continue developing a music scene that rivals much bigger cities.
What does an AVIP card get you?

Even after you use all five punches to get into shows, you will still be allowed to use your card to get discounts and perks for the full six months that the card is good for.